Selected Just For You
We are an Amazon Associate and Affiliate Partner to a whole suite of sought-after brands. We may be compensated for your use of the links on this page, at no cost to you. These products are provided by vendors with whom we have an affiliate agreement. All content is presented without express or implied warranty. See our SHOP POLICY.
Protect your time & money // Select from the best
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The BEST way to start your home styling project when you are not quite ready for design fees. Make your time and dollars go further by shopping with us.
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RS Featured/Curated Collections:
One point of contact for customer service across over 170 designer brands & 300,000 high-style products, with white glove delivery as an optional upgrade.
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RS Vendor Options: Categorized options to streamline your shopping experience with one place to shop leading vendors vs. searching all over the internet for hours on end.
Shopping strategically: Spend for quality and unique visual appeal on centerpiece (eye-cathcing & design-defining) or focal point (at end of main lines of site) items. Economize on the rest.
Buy for three: Purchase items you would use in at least three areas.
Move them around the house over time to refresh areas without spending more.
Create Flow: Repeat feature colors, patterns, and themes across spaces. Artwork, pillows, rugs, and table-top accessories are great ways to do this.
Punch up neutrals: Use feature walls, rugs, and artwork to bring in colors that you enjoy without overwhelming the look and feel of your spaces.
The "IT" Pieces |
$$ For when nothing else will do $$
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the Handpicked Furnishings | RS CURATED COLLECTIONS
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Top Vendor Options to Shop with a Click
We are an Amazon Associate and Affiliate Partner to a whole suite of sought-after brands. We may be compensated for your use of the links on this page, at no cost to you. These products are provided by vendors with whom we have an affiliate agreement. All content is presented without express or implied warranty. See our SHOP POLICY.